12 Dec 2013

Wait, I can style my Chrome DevTools?!?!


So, I've always had one major gripe with using Chrome's dev tools and that's the absurd amount of white that is in them. It really strains my eyes after a long day of staring and my screens. I needs some contrast! That's when I discovered this blog post by Darcy Clarke that showed me I could actually style them myself!


It's really evident that I am super late to this party but I couldn't be happier. I then found this website called DevThemez that had a lot of the theme's I'm used to in other applications already made for me. This was especially great because they all also have CSS built for other parts of the DevTools like the Sources/Debugging tab (which I make heavy use of).

Anyway, small post but honestly one of the coolest and most useful things I have found in a while!

- Tagged in chrome and devtools.